Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 10: Final day Onboard

Ahhhhh. Finally a day that we didn't have to be up at the crack of dawn for an excursion. We had a leisurely breakfast before heading off on foot to the beach. 

We hired a double kayak so we could get out and enjoy the bay. However, the calm seas and blue skies of yesterday had now been replaced with waves, gusty winds and rain clouds so it was tough going trying to battle the tide that was trying to pull us back into shore or hurl us against the jagged rocks! Quite the workout but fun nevertheless!

It was lovely as we strolled back to the ship with the sun on our skin and the warm breeze blowing. I've always thought I'd miss living somewhere with the changing climates but knowing we're returning home to perhaps snow and ice I'm starting to reconsider! These 80 degree temperatures feel so good!

We've been learning some Hawaiian words during this trip. The Hawaiians are so proud of their heritage and are eager to share the stories of their ancestors. I now know why so many words have 'ha' in them, such as Hawaii and aloha. 'Ha' means the breath of life so in the word Hawaii you have 'ha',  'wai' which is water, 'i' which is the god they worship so they believe all they need in life is the breath of life, water and their creator. We all know aloha means hello and goodbye but they actually use it more to wish you the breath of life, peace and love. 

The ship sailed at 2pm today so we could sail up around the northern coast of Kaua'i, the Na Pali coast, before heading back to Honolulu overnight. We enjoyed an afternoon lounging on deck listening to music, watching the men's sexy leg contest, and even watched a magician free himself from chains and padlocks while submerged in
the pool! 

For our final dinner onboard we once again ate at a shared table with two other couples. We mentioned to them that we were celebrating our anniversary and wouldn't you know it, at the end of the meal the wait staff appeared with a Happy Anniversary cake and sang "Won't you be my sweetheart" to us and made us kiss in front of everybody in the dining room. It was so sweet!

Watched the farewell show in the theater then the hilarious comedian and then had to pack for leaving the ship tomorrow. 😢

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